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Dec 08, 2015

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New Year brings with it a lot of hopes and the yearning to live an even better life than we are leading at the moment. People come up with various goals related to health, finance, travel, career and anything else you can think of under the sun. Professionals usually take some time off to evaluate if their job is giving them more than a paycheck or are they just trading their time with money without gaining any progression.

While job search can be a daunting experience for some and we at JobS-ME are there to make your job search a walk in the garden, you should first objectively evaluate if it is time to look for a new job. Until hit smack in the face with reality, most people miss out on the subtle warning signs to leave the job.

Below are 3 sure shots signs that subtly tell you to look for a new job soon:

  1. You can do your job with closed eyes: You have been doing the exact same thing for so long that there is no challenge in your job. If pay check is the only thing you gain out of the job then you are already short changing yourself massively. And this is regardless of the value in your pay check. Your job should give you progression and excitement regularly. If you are not challenging yourself, the company might start looking to replace you with someone with more hunger and drive.
  1. You do not get along with your colleagues: Most people consider looking for a job only when they do not get along with their supervisor however, getting along with colleagues is equally important. We spend most of our waking hours at work. While you do not need to be best friends with your co-workers, you should have cordial relationship with them and also a few people who understand your contributions. We are blessed to be in a meritocracy however, the merit is mainly based on perception. So, unless you have a few strong proponents of your work, the chances of progression become limited. If you end up feeling lonely in most of the office social events, it is time to find a place where like minded people work. You will thrive professionally and also enjoy being at work.
  1. Your job does not meet your needs anymore: Even though this sounds like a no brainer, it surprises me that a lot of professionals do not evaluate what they need from their career on a regular basis. When I start working with clients on their job search, the first thing we get done is to understand their top 3 needs from their career. A lot of times, our wants tend to cloud our needs and we end up making wrong decisions. For example, you might need a job with regional exposure to grow your career but you might get attracted to a job offering a massive increment. While the increment gives a boost temporarily, you will find yourself looking for new job with regional exposure soon. So, being clear about your needs is important and when the current job stops meeting the needs, it is time to take action.

I hope these points will be helpful in evaluating your career this year and you can gear up for an exciting opportunity in the coming year.

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JobS-ME: Job Search Made Easy

JobS-ME is a training, coaching and consulting company helping professionals get their next ideal job fast. True to its name, JobS-ME was launched to make job search easy and effective.

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