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Nov 22, 2023

Jobsearch is a crash course in rejections! It is a very frustrating process..

In my experience working with jobseekers across all levels, the frustration builds up significantly once you cross 2+ months of concentrated efforts in your search!

In fact, my role as a career coach often becomes more for accountability and momentum instead of tips after the initial learning curve.

Here are my top 3 tips to keep going when the going gets very frustrating:

1. Focus on actions instead of outcomes

Or in other words, focus on what you can control!

Yes, you may need to revisit and see how you can tweak your own actions but you focus on the results or uncontrollable, helplessness typically kicks in!

There is a process to job search and as long as you focus on the basics, a great job will be yours.

2. Get busy with non-jobsearch related things

I have had clients who got job through a friend in a biking group, or from their yoga class or their kids’ friends’ parents..

Even if you don’t get that best-case scenario when you focus on things apart from jobsearch you stay away from anxiety..

What things to focus on?

It’s okay to upskill, may be from “practical” explanation viewpoint even desirable but I see the best results when people do things for their soul and their happiness..

It directly impacts your confidence level and it trickles in all areas of your jobsearch from your networking, interviewing, salary negotiation..

So take that dance class, learn that pottery or focus on winning your region’s tennis league!

3. Get a schedule

Do you job search whenever you “feel” like it?

Do you do it from the bedroom and dining room and sofa and kids’ room?

Would you work this way in your job too?

If your answer to the first 2 questions is yes and the final one is no, may I advise you to think of your jobsearch like a work project you would manage.

For some reason, we are more structured in helping companies achieve their goals but forget the basics in achieving our goals.

Simple things like having a routine (even if for 2 hrs a day) and a designated spot where you are fully focused, makes a huge impact in your psyche.

Otherwise, you are never fully relaxed and never fully focused.

Hopefully, these 3 tips will help you to keep the momentum even during periods when you feel extremely frustrated.

You’ve got this!

  • Whenever you are ready, you can read up on the 3 ways I can help you land an amazing job here
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