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Jan 06, 2016
 A very happy new year to you!

I love the feeling of optimism and positivity that New Year brings in our lives. Most of us promise to make this year the best ever and make a list of a few resolutions. If finding a new job is on your cards for this year, then I would recommend adding the below resolutions to your list.

  1. “Look for your next job from a position of power rather than helplessness”

Feel free to read that statement again to internalize it.

To clarify, position of power is not the same as position of arrogance or over-confidence. It is more of realizing your potential and the value you bring to any employer, it is the faith and belief you have in yourself. People are the biggest asset of any organization and need to be valued similarly. This resolution is more of a mindset shift and it transpires in every step of the job search. No amount of interview skills training will help you if you go for an interview in a helpless state to get the role. When you are helpless and willing to be pushed around just to get the job, most likely the employer will lose interest in hiring you. Especially if we are looking at mid to senior level positions, companies want people who can lead regardless of their titles. If there is just one thing you need to implement in your job search, it is this mindset change. Everything else will fall into place once your position is clear.

     2. “Brand yourself for the role you are applying to”

Recruiters go through hundreds of CVs in a day. Your CV needs to stand out and catch their attention in the first few seconds. Some people write everything they have ever done (including the debate competition they won in Primary 1 thirty five years ago) to somehow convince the recruiter that they will be good for the role. I once received an eighteen page CV of a professional who had been working only for three years at the time – it was a nightmare and I couldn’t get around to understanding it. The very first step you need to master in your job search is to create a targeted CV for the role you want to apply for. It should clearly highlight your achievements in a quantifiable way to be able to differentiate you from other applicants. Once you have a targeted CV, use it to create a LinkedIn profile that attracts recruiters and potential employers. Your job search will become a lot easier if you can package your experience well.

     3.“Apply for roles when you meet 60 to 90% of the requirements”

Majority of people belong to the extreme sides of the spectrum. There is a group of job seekers who are so desperate to get a role that they apply to any position that is advertised. All they are worried about is getting a job and it does not matter what job that is. And on the opposite end of the spectrum are people who apply for a role only if they meet 100% of the requirements or are over-qualified for the position without thinking about the progression and opportunities to learn. When the excitement of a working in a new environment wanes after a few months, progression and learning new things should keep you upbeat about going to work. Apply for a role where you are comfortable with a majority of critical tasks and still have room to learn new things.

     4. “Capitalize on your network”

While what you know is important to be successful in your career, who you know can definitely help you to get a job easily. If a hiring manager has two qualified candidates and one of them has been referred to him by a trusted source, the decision is quite straightforward. And that is the power of your network. Some of my clients hesitate in asking for a favor. However, it is a win-win situation for both the parties. Most companies give referral fee so you are helping your connection make some cash. More important than that is the pride involved in helping the company.

      5. “Gain information about the role and ask questions during interview”

If you join a role which is not a good fit, then it is a loss for both you and the company. However, the company has a lot of resources to be able to recuperate the loss. The impact is much stronger on your life – it affects your confidence, your credentials, your family. This simple thought should encourage you to do even more research and questioning than the employer. Always read about what is happening with the company currently – globally as well as locally. Use sources like Glassdoor to find out about the company culture or better still speak to someone who works in the organization. And ask questions to your hiring manager about the role, team, career progression, challenges, opportunities and much more to be able to make an informed decision.

I hope you are able to use these resolutions to rocket through your job search in 2020! I wish you all the very best.

I would be very interested in hearing your thoughts so please comment on what you could relate to or even what doesn’t make much sense to you

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JobS-ME: Job Search Made Easy

JobS-ME is a training, coaching and consulting company helping professionals get their next ideal job fast. True to its name, JobS-ME was launched to make job search easy and effective.