Work with us


Aug 30, 2023

One of the first issues I hear from job seekers about their search, “I do not know why I am not getting a job.” When I dig further into what their job search strategy is – it typically is online applications only.

That is the big issue – not having any system or strategy for job search.

And that’s why I developed Jobsearch with P.R.I.D.E. It absolutely is a play on the word ‘Pride’ as the number 1 thing I want you to have for your job search is “Pride” in your skills and achievements.

Instead of approaching the process from a place of helplessness or desperation, we approach it from a place of power and pride. We understand our value and are then able to communicate it to a potential employer.

And we also follow the 5 steps in PRIDE. Today, we will get an overview of these steps Most of my newsletters tend to go in-depth into each step and their sub-step and micro-level implementation.

Step 1: Profile that Attracts

  • Understanding what you want for your next role and identifying your unique selling point
  • Creating a robust resume targeted at the role
  • Updating your LinkedIn profile and then working on your branding through content engagement

Step 2: Reaching out to the Right People

This step can take the longest for some people or can be totally skipped (as some of my clients got headhunted). We work on making most of 5 avenues of jobsearch:

  1. Online Applications
  2. Existing Network
  3. Recruiters/ Headhunters
  4. Networking events
  5. Target Companies that are not hiring

Step 3: Irresistible Interview

The most important part of your job search. No matter how you reached here, you need to have a great interview to get that role. Here are a few things you can do to increase your chances of success

  • Create 8-10 Career Stories to answer behavior-based questions and rehearse them using the CAR framework
  • Research the organization in depth
  • Rehearse your answers to get delivery on point
  • Reflect after the interview to send a thank you email and also to make improvements for next round

Step 4: Decoding Salary Negotiation

The love-hate step! Everyone wants a good salary but no one wants to negotiate itIn this step, knowledge is power!

  • Get some data points on your market value
  • Understand your absolute minimum
  • Get a full overview of their structure, when you are eligible for different bonuses, and salary review details.

Step 5: Embracing your new role

Don’t stop your efforts after signing the contract.

  • Prepare/ Update your references
  • Close loop on other opportunities
  • Thank all the people who helped you and give them an update