Work with us


Feb 14, 2024

Last month, I officially became a LinkedIn Top Voice! I wanted to thank you for your support, always.

So, in today’s Newsletter, I thought of sharing with you the next step to build a brand on LinkedIn so that you can attract opportunities!

It is not a question of  “If I am applying for jobs, do I really need to be active on LinkedIn?”

The answer to that is Yes… This is how you go from seeking opportunities to being sought after!

But then, apart from job opportunities, the world opens for so many different things:

  • Speaking Opportunities
  • Media features
  • Side Projects
  • Business Development
  • Top performers who want to work with you

All from the comfort of your home and if you are an introvert like me, this opens opportunities that may have never existed before!

The easiest step is Commenting.

You can read about it here or watch this <2 min video here.

If you have done this for a while, now is the time to start posting relevant content.

Step 1: Identify your Target Audience and Topic

Please don’t post about your journey or lessons as a job seeker. Unless your target audience is job seekers. You may get likes but no opportunities.

Instead ask yourself, what kind of opportunities do I want to attract?

Say, you want to get into a role within project management. Then your posts need to fall in the broad umbrella of “Project Management”.

You may tweak it to “How I am using PM lessons for my job search” for 1 of the posts. The rest is to build your credibility with senior leaders in your field.

Step 2: Determine the frequency

Consistency is Key. You don’t need to post 5x a week.

Try 1x or 2x a week or month. But stick with that frequency!

Step 3: Continue Commenting

Commenting is the golden strategy that will keep on increasing your visibility and help with content ideas

It is a bit tough in the beginning and then you start to grow your muscles.

It becomes easier! And if you have any challenges, feel free to reach out to me here.

  • Whenever you are ready, you can read up on the 3 ways I can help you land an amazing job here
  • If this Newsletter appeals to you, please forward it to people in your network who may benefit from it
  • To get in-depth tips and strategies for career development and job search, subscribe to my YouTube Channel