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Jul 31, 2023


The most successful job search strategies are simple – Personal Branding and Networking! The devil is in the details.

How do you convert these strategies into a plan and then further into actions?

Let’s focus on Personal Branding for now.

Honestly, Branding has always been important – earlier we used to call it Reputation. Social media helped us to build it at a larger scale. You may have heard, “It is not what you know but who you know”. Let me take it to the next level –

“It is not what you know but who you know who remembers you when the opportunity arises”

And in essence, a solid personal brand makes networking with the decision-makers so much simpler!

Okay, enough said – let’s look at an easy tip to get you started with building your brand. I have been using it with my clients to great success.

Start with Commenting on 1 post every day on LinkedIn… That’s it!

Simple? Yes

Quick? Absolutely

Effective? You bet!

The only deal is to make your comment valuable. So, no “Great insights” “Congratulations” “Agree” comments.

Look for someone in your field who has written an interesting post or search for posts using hashtags. Then add:

  1. Additional information to their point or
  2. Personal experience related to this or
  3. An alternate perspective, respectfully

Do this over the course of next week and it will open you to do much more in branding while getting more traction.

Let me know your challenges and success stories, I am here to help!